So I’ve been adding and maintaining this uber rack for a few years, the other day I snagged a Dell 2161DS IP KVM with 8 SIP’s for a mere $300. It’s the device directly under the monitor.

Other cool things in the rack:
- Dual ESE NTP Timecode Servers. (Very top)
- APC NetBotz RackBotz 400 (Thing with the camera lense in the middle)
- APC InfraStruXure Manager (Under the netbotz)
- 3Com 3300XM Switch
- Dell PowerEdge 2500 (Dual 1.4GHz) — It’s my ClarkConnect Linux Router
- A few other misc “white box” servers (VoIP PBX, VMWare, MythTV Backend)
- APC Smart-UPS 3000RM2 w/ AP9617 Card
- APC Share-UPS (not viable because it’s 0U’d in the back)
- IBM Netbay PDU (not viable because it’s 0U’d in the back)
- APC Smart-Slot Expansion Chassis (not viable because it’s 0U’d in the back)
Next additions will be an rackmount KMM (Keyboard, Monitor, Mouse) that will take a 10th of the space the current monitor does. An APC Environmental Monitor, and a Terminal Server for all the out of band management.
The rack itself is an IBM NetBay11, decommissioned from the ever so unpopular Lycos Search Engine