I was running some cable to an area of the attic I have never been through and it was flipping hot, much hotter then the other areas. Â So I went and ordered a bunch of 1-wire temperature sensors to install all over the attic so I can data log and see what areas are the hottest. Â I made a base for a heatmap that I’ll write something to create hourly and decided to make a mock up, obviously this is just a mock up and it doesn’t show any sort of resolution but it gets the general idea across.–Powerpoint made a decent mockup image–if only the jpeg compression didn’t suck so hard.
I just picked up this PE6650 off fleabay for $154.50! Picked it up locally–it was 5min from my house so it was quite the steal if I do say so myself. I’m prepping this for colo in a new data center down the street from where I work.
Onto the specs!
- Quad 2.2ghz Xeons
- 16GB of ram
- Two Onboard Gigabit NICs
- 900W power consumption–Requires C19 power cords–those 1000W whips that plug into 20amp Edison outlets, this made it a pain to use at the house, my washing machine and my APC SmartUPS 3000 are the only outlets I have to plug this into, the hooking it upto the SmartUPS tripped the breaker about a dozen times until I load balanced equipment between the two UPSs in the rack
I have rails on order and a DRACIII card, thinking about getting four 3.0ghz xeons for it…I’ll update some photos when I get it colo’d.
Finally mounted up my newest bot in the garage, collecting data to see the environmental differences between inside the rack and outside…

NetBotz WallBot 400
So far it seems to be just around 20 degrees Fahrenheit…thinking about using a bunch of 1-wire tempature sensors wired to create a 72″ long tempature monitor, with 1 sensor every 12″. That should let me do cool things with monitoring the rack temperature almost per rack unit or something…
Well I finally got some Dallas Semiconductor 1-Wire Tempature Sensors in. I quickly threw a bunch on the breadboard to see how accurate they are and stuffs, pretty nifty, 2 wires is all it takes, ignore the 3rd leg of the sensors it doesn’t do anything…
I put white blocks in the picture because of the nonsense on the breadboard–it was just some toying of a segment display from awhile back…
I plan to use these sensors (along with many more) to build a weather station, and I’d like to place a few throughout the house to see the difference in tempature between the rooms. Would be intresting to see the temp difference between the outside, attic and home on a graph.