So with a tip from a fellow on the internets, I was able to finish that last step in programming it, setting the link between a card reader and an output. It was all working so I ran to install it, took a little under an hour and it works! w00t!!!111oneoneeleven
Garage Opener Wiring (2 Wires on the right are for IR sensors to detect if there is something blocking the door path, and 2 for the control--one for the existing button and cat5 running to the N-1000-II--only 1 pair is used)
Cool thing is that BlackBox Wireless Serial Server, I can disable/enable cards via my cell now ^_^ Talk about l33t factor!! Going to make a mashup of php so I don’t have to memorize CLI for the N-1000-II.
I didn’t install the card reader outside, because the card reader I have is a swipe and it’s ugly…I ordered a pair of these HID MiniProx’s (They are Proximity Readers)–I’m going to do the front door next when I get the nerve to cut into the frame to install an electric strike…